swan, pond at the public garden, boston


yesterday i discovered the blog walker new york: photo. in addition to being a cool site, it was also a treasure trove of great web links. here are some i found:

krappy kamera iv
witold riedel
nypl: photo collection
met: photography


another great link i've stumbled on is susan bowen photography (via photojunkie). i love how her photos capture the energy of the moment, the way you view a moment when you are right in the middle of it. i think i'm going to try the same turning and advancing the film technique the next time i have my holga out.


howard dean announced his canadicy today. i'm really facinated by the buzz dean is getting as well as how he is taking dvantage of the internet the way no other candidate has done. the fact that he blogs (!) and his blog is powered by MT also reall endears him to me. i hope dean speaks in boston sometime soon, i'd love to go.

06.22.2003 | (1)

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