Night Photography: April 5 – May 12, 2013

Davis Orton Gallery, 114 Warren St., Hudson, NY. 4/5 – 5/12/2013.
Reception: April 5, 5 – 7 pm.
4-person show; I’m one of two Portfolio Showcase exhibitors. Stephen DiRado, Bob Avakian, Susan Bowen, Miska Draskoczy. [12 pieces from the Legs and Feet series]

Davis Orton Gallery is a charming gallery in the artsy small town of Hudson in upstate New York.

From my statement: “An interesting aspect of these images is that the exposure time (usually 1/15 of a second) often captures one foot in sharpness and the other totally blurred. Multiple people walking together might seem to be a single person with mis-matched feet. A person might seem to only possess only leg. The swirl of fabric might create a dynamic abstraction.”

Davis Orton

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