Krappy Kamera V: March 3 – 29, 2003

Soho Photo Gallery, 15 White Street, NYC. 3/4-3/29/2003.
Reception: Tuesday, March 2, 6 – 8 pm.

Reflections to Go Susan Bowen
Juried by Monica Pollock of Soho Triad Fine Arts. Annual national plastic camera photography show. 1 piece: ‘Reflections to Go’.

This was the first time I exhibited a digitally printed image. I early on settled on doing digital C-prints instead of inkjet technology (liking the feel and lack of fragility of traditional photographic paper). This exhibit was still before I became a member of Soho Photo in 2006. The show was reviewed in the ‘New Jersey Star-Ledger’ and my work was mentioned.

Reflections to Go‘ as is probably clear is the reflections of buildings in the curved windows of a Volkswagen Beetle.

Star-Ledger Review

Star Ledger

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