Book: People Walking

Heh, everyone…. this is my first attempt at a book. Now that I’m shooting digitally and working with normal proportioned images such things are possible! I just quickly put it together, but maybe you will get an idea of what I’m up to these days.

All the pictures were shot in April 2013.

Below is the live Blurb website. The book can be viewed and purchased from this site.

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6th Governors Island Art Fair
September 7 – 29, 2013

Governors Island Art Fair, Nolan Park, Governors Island, NYC. 9/7-9/29/2013.
Weekends only throughout September. Building 5B, downstairs.

Gov Island 4
Twelve Soho Photo Gallery artists exhibiting. I will have work on the walls Sept. 14 – 15 (in bins the other weekends). I will be exhibiting 22 pieces from the New York Walking Series.

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September 7 – 29, 2013

Night Photography: April 5 – May 12, 2013

Davis Orton Gallery, 114 Warren St., Hudson, NY. 4/5 – 5/12/2013.
Reception: April 5, 5 – 7 pm.
4-person show; I’m one of two Portfolio Showcase exhibitors. Stephen DiRado, Bob Avakian, Susan Bowen, Miska Draskoczy. [12 pieces from the Legs and Feet series]

Davis Orton Gallery is a charming gallery in the artsy small town of Hudson in upstate New York.

From my statement: “An interesting aspect of these images is that the exposure time (usually 1/15 of a second) often captures one foot in sharpness and the other totally blurred. Multiple people walking together might seem to be a single person with mis-matched feet. A person might seem to only possess only leg. The swirl of fabric might create a dynamic abstraction.”

Davis Orton

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