Brand New: Feb 1 – 29, 2024

Online Group Show
Treat Gallery,, 2/1 – 2/29/24.

From the Treat Gallery Website: “Reinvention is no stranger to the contemporary art world. Artists have had to pivot repeatedly, most recently; during the recession, the coronavirus pandemic, and the rise of artificial intelligence. To reinvent is to change (something) so much that it appears to be entirely new, or to take up a very different job or way of life. To re-establish something as new is to begin a process, or make significant changes or improvements to (something.) Words commonly associated with reinvention are: transform. disrupt. redesign. experiment. modify. reclaim. Artists were challenged to create and submit new work following these visual or conceptual guidelines.”

Exhibitors include: Alina Andriushchenko, Allen Morris, Amie Hollmann, Blaine White, Cheryl Safren, Daria Burobina, Farras Abdelnour, Jia Hao, John Romi, Luke Woodford, Marni Mutrux, Matt Perrin, Michael N. Meyer, Randall Steinke, Sabrina Skinner and Susan Bowen.

The below two images from my spills series are included in the show.

 Susan Bowen
 Susan Bowen
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